scala - 伴侣对象无法访问类上的私有(private)变量

标签 scala read-eval-print-loop companion-object

来自 Scala REPL 的一个相当奇怪的行为。


class CompanionObjectTest {
    private val x = 3
object CompanionObjectTest {
    def testMethod(y:CompanionObjectTest) = y.x + 3

私有(private)变量似乎无法从 REPL 中的伴随对象访问:
scala> class CompanionObjectTest {
     | private val x = 3;
     | }
defined class CompanionObjectTest

scala> object CompanionObjectTest {
     | def testMethod(y:CompanionObjectTest) = y.x + 3
     | }
<console>:9: error: value x in class CompanionObjectTest cannot be accessed in CompanionObjectTest
       def testMethod(y:CompanionObjectTest) = y.x + 3



正在发生的事情是 REPL 上的每一“行”实际上都放在不同的包中,因此类和对象不会成为伙伴。您可以通过以下几种方式解决此问题:


scala> class CompanionObjectTest {
     |   private val x = 3;
     | }; object CompanionObjectTest {
     |   def testMethod(y:CompanionObjectTest) = y.x + 3
     | }
defined class CompanionObjectTest
defined module CompanionObjectTest

scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

class CompanionObjectTest {
    private val x = 3
object CompanionObjectTest {
    def testMethod(y:CompanionObjectTest) = y.x + 3

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

defined class CompanionObjectTest
defined module CompanionObjectTest

scala> object T {
     | class CompanionObjectTest {
     |     private val x = 3
     | }
     | object CompanionObjectTest {
     |     def testMethod(y:CompanionObjectTest) = y.x + 3
     | }
     | }
defined module T

scala> import T._
import T._

关于scala - 伴侣对象无法访问类上的私有(private)变量,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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