multithreading - 多个wget -r同时访问一个站点?

标签 multithreading wget





wget -r -np -N [url] &
wget -r -np -N [url] &
wget -r -np -N [url] &
wget -r -np -N [url] &

copied as many times as you deem fitting to have as much processes downloading. This isn't as elegant as a properly multithreaded app, but it will get the job done with only a slight amount of over head. the key here being the "-N" switch. This means transfer the file only if it is newer than what's on the disk. This will (mostly) prevent each process from downloading the same file a different process already downloaded, but skip the file and download what some other process hasn't downloaded. It uses the time stamp as a means of doing this, hence the slight overhead.

It works great for me and saves a lot of time. Don't have too many processes as this may saturate the web site's connection and tick off the owner. Keep it around a max of 4 or so. However, the number is only limited by CPU and network bandwidth on both ends.

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