unit-testing - NUnit是否支持组装拆解的概念?

标签 unit-testing nunit resource-cleanup


该程序将在组件中的所有测试完成后运行。我目前正在使用NUnit 2.6.0。



根据查理·普尔(Charlie Poole)在我为此功能here提出的功能请求中,他指出以下内容将起作用,这是他的直接引述。

Decorate a class outside of any namespace with [SetUpFixture]. Decorate a method of that class with [TearDown]. If you like, decorate another with [SetUp].

Differences from what you are asking for:

  1. The name makes it a little unobvious in this usage.

  2. NUnit allows any number of these and calls them all, without any guarantee of ordering. This is by design.

  3. It can be applied to a static or instance method. If it's an instance method, the class must have a default constructor and it will be created with a lifespan of the entire test run. This is also by design.

现在这还不是很漂亮,但是它应该可以实现相同的功能,也许他会在3.0中使它变得更加整洁。 :)

关于unit-testing - NUnit是否支持组装拆解的概念?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14288454/


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