app-inventor - 将 block 复制到另一个屏幕 MIT App Inventor

标签 app-inventor

我发布了具有许多屏幕的应用程序,但现在我想返回并为这些屏幕添加新功能。有什么方法可以让我将新 block 创建一次作为模板并将其粘贴到新屏幕上?



Building apps with many screens

If it seems that your app requires a large number of screens, you might think about redesigning it to not use so many. For example, suppose your app has to show several different screen images all with the same functionality but each image having a different background. One way to code this would be to use a different App Inventor screen for each image, each screen with its own background image. With that method, you’d need as many screens as there are images. But another way to code this is to have only a single screen and change the screen background. Similar ideas apply to other kinds of elements: If each screen image has a label with its own text message, then rather than having multiple screens, each with its own label, you could have a single screen and a single label, and just change label’s text.

应用发明家 , 你只能复制一个完整的屏幕, 看下面的方法

How to copy screens通过斯科特和 video侯赛因

编辑 : 现在有新的backpack cut-and-paste system

The Backpack allows you to carry around blocks throughout your project repositories, allowing blocks to be transferred between projects and between screens. The contents of the Backpack persist throughout an App Inventor session. (NOTE:When you quit your App Inventor session or refresh the App Inventor page in the browser, the Backpack will be emptied -- i.e., re-initialized.)

关于app-inventor - 将 block 复制到另一个屏幕 MIT App Inventor,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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