variables - 在集合中找不到 SSIS 元素(但我已将它们全部列出!)

标签 variables ssis dts


The element cannot be found in a collection.
This error happens when you try to retrieve an element from a collection on a container during execution of the package and the element is not there.

  • 有人看到我的代码有什么问题吗?

  • 脚本任务代码:
    Public Sub Main()
        Dts.Variables("User::strMailBody").Value = "Thank you for submission. For your convenience, we are including the last four of the HICN# and the Name on the application(s) we have received* from you." _
            & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Here are the following: " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
        Dts.Variables("User::strMailBody").Value = Dts.Variables("User::strMailbody").Value.ToString() & vbNewLine & Dts.Variables("User::strListing").Value.ToString()
        Dts.Variables("User::strMailBody").Value = Dts.Variables("User::strMailBody").Value.ToString() & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & Dts.Variables("User::strFooter").Value.ToString()
        If Left(Dts.Variables("User::strAgentID").Value, 2) = "TX" Then
            Dts.Variables("User::strSubject").Value = "ACME Health Plans Confirmation:  Total "
            Dts.Variables("User::strSubject").Value = "ACME2 Baptist Health Plans Confirmation:  Total "
        End If
        Dts.Variables("User::strSubject").Value = Dts.Variables("User::strSubject").Value.ToString() & Dts.Variables("User::lngCountAgent").Value.ToString() & "   " & "[RESTRICTED: CONFIDENTIAL]"
        Dts.Variables("User::DateSent").Value = Now()
        Dts.Variables("User::UserSent").Value = "SSIS"
        Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
    End Sub


    对于其他在这个问题上苦苦挣扎的人,我的解决方案如下:(请注意,在我的脚本任务中获取变量值时,我没有使用 User::)

  • 在包属性中,我没有将变量包含为 ReadOnlyVariables

  • 您需要按如下方式设置新添加的变量:
  • 右键单击包并选择 编辑
  • 在脚本部分单击 只读变量 读写变量 (取决于您希望变量的行为方式)
  • 选中您希望在脚本任务中使用的变量旁边的复选框
  • 点击好的 保存您的更改

  • 希望这可以帮助

    关于variables - 在集合中找不到 SSIS 元素(但我已将它们全部列出!),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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