- 包装 StaticFileMiddleware 以重定向 404 错误

标签 angularjs owin

我正在尝试将自定义中间件注入(inject)到我的 OWIN 管道中,该管道包含 StaticFileMiddleware可从 MS 获得,以便在 AngularJS 中支持 HTML 5 模式。我一直在关注本指南:

根据我所能收集到的关于它应该如何工作的信息,我的中间件正在将请求传递给静态文件中间件,然后如果它无法解决这些请求(即对 HTML 5 Angular 路径的请求,“/whatever "),而是返回基本的 Angular 页面,以便对 HTML 5 路径的硬请求将起作用。

我的问题是调用内部中间件的结果似乎总是一个 200 状态码,即使在我的浏览器中我得到一个 404,这让我摸不着头脑。这是我的代码供引用:

public static class AngularServerExtension
    public static IAppBuilder UseAngularServer(this IAppBuilder builder, string rootPath, string entryPath)
        var options = new AngularServerOptions()
            FileServerOptions = new FileServerOptions()
                EnableDirectoryBrowsing = false,
                FileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, rootPath))
            EntryPath = new PathString(entryPath)

        return builder.Use(new Func<AppFunc, AppFunc>(next => new AngularServerMiddleware(next, options).Invoke));           

public class AngularServerMiddleware
    private readonly AngularServerOptions _options;
    private readonly AppFunc _next;
    private readonly StaticFileMiddleware _innerMiddleware;

    public AngularServerMiddleware(AppFunc next, AngularServerOptions options)
        _next = next;
        _options = options;

        _innerMiddleware = new StaticFileMiddleware(_next, options.FileServerOptions.StaticFileOptions);

    public async Task Invoke(IDictionary<string, object> environment)
        IOwinContext context = new OwinContext(environment);
        // try to resolve the request with default static file middleware
        await _innerMiddleware.Invoke(environment);
        Debug.WriteLine(context.Request.Path + ": " + context.Response.StatusCode);
        // *** Right here is where I would expect a 404 but I get a 200 when debugging,
        // even though my browser eventually returns a 404

        // route to root path if the status code is 404
        // and need support angular html5mode
        if (context.Response.StatusCode == 404 && _options.Html5Mode)
            context.Request.Path = _options.EntryPath;
            await _innerMiddleware.Invoke(environment);
            Console.WriteLine(">> " + context.Request.Path + ": " + context.Response.StatusCode);
public class AngularServerOptions
    public FileServerOptions FileServerOptions { get; set; }

    public PathString EntryPath { get; set; }

    public bool Html5Mode
            return EntryPath.HasValue;

    public AngularServerOptions()
        FileServerOptions = new FileServerOptions();
        EntryPath = PathString.Empty;


我不想被绑定(bind)到 IIS,随着 core 的发展。以下是我使用 OWIN 使其工作的方法:

// catch all for html5/angular2 client routing urls that need to be redirected back to index.html
// for original, see:
app.Use(async (ctx, next) =>
    // execute the rest of the pipeline
    //  though really, we're last in this configuration
    //  but, this allows the other static file handlers
    //  and web api route handlers to fail
    await next();

    // double check that we have a 404
    //  we could also double check that we didn't request a file (with an extension of some sort)
    if (ctx.Response.StatusCode != 404)

    // we have a 404, serve our default index.html
    var middleware = new StaticFileMiddleware(
        env => next(), new StaticFileOptions
            FileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem("./wwwroot"),
            RequestPath = PathString.Empty

    ctx.Request.Path = new PathString("/index.html");
    await middleware.Invoke(ctx.Environment);

我需要调用 next()在我检查状态码之前,因为我假设其他中间件不会设置 404,直到所有中间件都有机会处理它。

免责声明:我才刚刚开始探索基于 OWIN 的托管,因此虽然这似乎可行,但可能存在一些非最佳实践。

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