web-services - Android/iOS 中的钛合金缓存?或保留旧 View

标签 web-services caching titanium titanium-mobile titanium-alloy

我们能否缓存动态创建的列表或 View ,直到在后台调用 web 服务。我想实现像 FaceBook 应用程序那样的功能。我知道它在 Android Core 中是可行的,但想在 Titanium(Android 和 IOS)中尝试。

我会进一步解释, 假设我有一个有列表的应用程序。现在,当我第一次打开时,它显然会访问 web 服务并创建一个动态列表。



是的,Titanium 可以做到这一点。如果它只是一个数组/列表/变量,您应该使用像 Ti.App.myList 这样的全局变量。如果您需要存储更复杂的数据,如图像或数据库,您应该使用内置文件系统。关于 Appcelerator website 的文档非常好.


  1. 首次加载您的数据
  2. 以您喜欢的方式存储您的数据(全局变量、文件系统)
  3. 在未来的应用程序启动期间,读取您的本地列表/数据并显示它,直到您的同步成功。


if (response.state == "SUCCESS") {
    Ti.API.info("Themes successfully checked");
    Ti.API.info("RESPONSE TEST: " + response.value);

    //Create a map of the layout names(as keys) and the corresponding url (as value).
    var newImageMap = {};
    for (var key in response.value) {
        var url = response.value[key];
        var filename = key + ".jpg";   //EDIT your type of the image

        newImageMap[filename] = url;

    if (Ti.App.ImageMap.length > 0) {
        //Check for removed layouts
        for (var image in Ti.App.imageMap) {
            if (image in newImageMap) {
                Ti.API.info("The image " + image + " is already in the local map");
                //Do nothing
            } else {
                //Delete the removed layout
                Ti.API.info("The image " + image + " is deleted from the local map");
                delete Ti.App.imageMap[image];
        //Check for new images
        for (var image in newImageMap) {
            if (image in Ti.App.imageMap) {
                Ti.API.info("The image " + image + " is already in the local map");
                //Do nothing
            } else {
                Ti.API.info("The image " + image + " is put into the local map");
                //Put new image in local map
                Ti.App.imageMap[image] = newImageMap[image];
    } else {
        Ti.App.imageMap = newImageMap;

    //Check wether the file already exists
    for (var key in response.value) {
        var url = response.value[key];
        var filename = key + ".png"; //EDIT YOUR FILE TYPE

        Ti.API.info("URL: " + url);
        Ti.API.info("FILENAME: " + filename);

        imagesOrder[imagesOrder.length] = filename.match(/\d+/)[0]; //THIS SAVES THE FIRST NUMBER IN YOUR FILENAME AS ID

        //Case1: download a new image
        var file = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory, "/media/" + filename);

        if (file.exists()) {
            // Do nothing
            Titanium.API.info("File " + filename + " exists");
        } else {
            // Create the HTTP client to download the asset.
            var xhr = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();

            xhr.onload = function() {
                if (xhr.status == 200) {
                    // On successful load, take that image file we tried to grab before and
                    // save the remote image data to it.
                    Titanium.API.info("Successfully loaded");

            // Issuing a GET request to the remote URL
            xhr.open('GET', url);
            // Finally, sending the request out.

除了应该放在 API 调用的成功方法中的这段代码外,您还需要一个全局变量 Ti.App.imageMap 来存储键映射和相应的 url。我想您必须稍微更改代码以满足您的需求和您的项目,但它应该为您提供一个良好的起点。

关于web-services - Android/iOS 中的钛合金缓存?或保留旧 View ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26753676/


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