ReSTLer不接受 bool 值false

标签 restler

在我的ReSTLer API类中,我有一个像这样定义的对象(带有许多其他参数)

class PatchTaskObj extends TaskObj {
     * @var bool|null Whether or not this Task should be pinned to the top of the list {@required false}
    public $pinned = null;


   * Updates an existing Task record.
   * @param int          $id   The SQL ident of the task you wish to update. {@min 1} {@from path}
   * @param PatchTaskObj $info The properties of the Task to update.
   * @throws RestException 412 Thrown if at least one update isn't passed in.
   * @status 204
  function patch($id, PatchTaskObj $info)


Bad Request: Invalid value specified for info[pinned]



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