oracle - ORA-00972 : identifier is too long - Best strategy to avoid it in Grails

标签 oracle hibernate grails gorm


Caused by: org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not initialize a collection: [com.intelligrape.model.Address.studentsForPermanentAddressId#79366215]


编辑:按Rob Hruska的要求添加了域类描述
package com.intelligrape.model

class Address {

    String address1
    String address2
    String boxNumber
    String city
    Long stateLid
    String province
    String zipCode
    Long countryLid
    Double latitude
    Double longitude
    Long radius

    static hasMany = [studentsForPermanentAddressId: Student, studentsForLocalAddressId: Student]

static constraints = {
        address1 nullable: true
        address2 nullable: true
        boxNumber nullable: true, size: 1..25
        city nullable: true, size: 1..30
        stateLid nullable: true
        province nullable: true, size: 1..64
        zipCode nullable: true, size: 1..15
        countryLid nullable: true
        latitude nullable: true
        longitude nullable: true
        radius nullable: true
            studentsForPermanentAddressId nullable: true
            studentsForLocalAddressId nullable: true



    package com.intelligrape.model

class Address {

    String address1
    String address2
    String boxNumber
    String city
    Long stateLid
    String province
    String zipCode
    Long countryLid
    Double latitude
    Double longitude
    Long radius

    static hasMany = [studentsForPermanentAddressId: Student, studentsForLocalAddressId: Student]
    static mappings = {
         studentsForPermanentAddressId(column: 'stud_perm_addr_id')
    static constraints = {
        address1 nullable: true
        address2 nullable: true
        boxNumber nullable: true, size: 1..25
        city nullable: true, size: 1..30
        stateLid nullable: true
        province nullable: true, size: 1..64
        zipCode nullable: true, size: 1..15
        countryLid nullable: true
        latitude nullable: true
        longitude nullable: true
        radius nullable: true
            studentsForPermanentAddressId nullable: true
            studentsForLocalAddressId nullable: true



关于oracle - ORA-00972 : identifier is too long - Best strategy to avoid it in Grails,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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