java - "Id cannot be zero"- GoogleJsonResponseException 400 错误请求

标签 java android google-app-engine jpa google-cloud-endpoints

尝试使用 GAE 中的端点检索列表时,我似乎遇到了错误。错误如下:

04-08 01:01:30.145: I/System.out(14650): 400 Bad Request
04-08 01:01:30.145: I/System.out(14650): {
04-08 01:01:30.145: I/System.out(14650):   "code": 400,
04-08 01:01:30.145: I/System.out(14650):   "errors": [
04-08 01:01:30.145: I/System.out(14650):     {
04-08 01:01:30.145: I/System.out(14650):       "domain": "global",
04-08 01:01:30.145: I/System.out(14650):       "message": "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: id cannot be zero",
04-08 01:01:30.145: I/System.out(14650):       "reason": "badRequest"
04-08 01:01:30.145: I/System.out(14650):     }
04-08 01:01:30.145: I/System.out(14650):   ],
04-08 01:01:30.145: I/System.out(14650):   "message": "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: id cannot be zero"
04-08 01:01:30.145: I/System.out(14650): }


@SuppressWarnings({ "cast", "unchecked"})
public List<Comercio> listComercio() {
   EntityManager mgr = getEntityManager();
   List<Comercio> result= new ArrayList<Comercio>();

   try {
      Query query = mgr.createQuery("select c from Comercio c", Comercio.class);
      for (Object obj : (List<Object>) query.getResultList()) {
        result.add((Comercio) obj);
      } finally {
      return result;


public class Comercio{

private Long id;

private String title;

private String url;

private String NEWSTYPE;

public Comercio() {

public Long getId() {
    return id;

public String getTitle() {
    return title;

public void setTitle(String title) {
    this.title = title;

public String getUrl() {
    return url;

public void setUrl(String url) {
    this.url = url;

public void setNewstypeid(String newstypeid) {
    this.NEWSTYPE = newstypeid;

public String getNewstypeid() {
    return NEWSTYPE;


这是我的 android 项目中的 AsyncTask:

public class AsyncDatastoreArticles extends CloudAsyncTask {

AsyncDatastoreArticles(Home activity) {

protected void doInBackground() throws IOException {
   // TODO Auto-generated method stub

   List<Comercio> list = endpoint.listComercio().execute().getItems();
   if (list != null) {





我猜是因为没有设置ID。您可以使用以下代码在您的实体类中设置自动生成的 ID。

private Long id;

另请确保在这种情况下不要在您的实体中保留任何 setId() 方法。

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