linux-kernel - 常量类似 "VM_RESERVED"和 3.9.6 中的 nopage 方法

标签 linux-kernel linux-device-driver

找不到 VM_RESERVED常数和 nopage 3.9.6 中的方法(在 vm_operations_struct 中)。它们在 3.9.6 中的替代品是什么?


the patch removing VM_RESERVED ,作者有这样的建议:

A long time ago, in v2.4, VM_RESERVED kept swapout process off VMA, currently it lost original meaning but still has some effects:

 | effect                 | alternative flags
1| account as reserved_vm | VM_IO
2| skip in core dump      | VM_IO, VM_DONTDUMP
3| do not merge or expand | VM_IO, VM_DONTEXPAND, VM_HUGETLB, VM_PFNMAP
4| do not mlock           | VM_IO, VM_DONTEXPAND, VM_HUGETLB, VM_PFNMAP

Thus VM_RESERVED can be replaced with VM_IO or pair VM_DONTEXPAND | VM_DONTDUMP.

vm_ops->nopage被替换为 vm_ops->faultthis patch .

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