haskell - OCaml 中的反向状态单子(monad)

标签 haskell ocaml monads lazy-evaluation state-monad

您将如何实现 reverse state monad OCaml ? (由于它严重依赖懒惰,我想必须使用标准库中的 Lazy 模块)。


我贴了Gist of a solution .


type 's l = 's Lazy.t
type ('a, 's) st = 's -> ('a * 's l)

let bind (mx : ('a, 's) st) (f : ('a -> ('b, 's) st)) (s : 's l) : ('b * 's l) =
  (* conceptually we want

         let rec (lazy (y, s'')) = lazy (mx s')
             and (lazy (z, s')) = lazy (f y s)
         in (force z, s'')

     but that's not legal Caml.

     So instead we get back lazy pairs of type ('a * 's l) l and we
     lazily project out the pieces that we need.
  let rec ys'' = lazy (mx (LazyUtils.join (LazyUtils.snd zs')))
    and (zs' : ('b * 's l) l) = lazy (f (Lazy.force (LazyUtils.fst ys'')) s)
  in (Lazy.force (LazyUtils.fst zs'), LazyUtils.join (LazyUtils.snd ys''))

  • 做类型告诉你做的事情。
  • 切勿强制状态,除非在 lazy e 下构造。

  • 特别是,LazyUtils.join : 'a Lazy.t Lazy.t -> 'a Lazy.t不可能是:
    let join xll = Lazy.force xll

    let join xll = lazy (Lazy.force (Lazy.force xll))


    关于haskell - OCaml 中的反向状态单子(monad),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24943140/


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