akka - 有什么理由不建议使用关机方法?

标签 akka

关闭ActorSystem时,我发现不建议使用ActorSystem::shutdown。建议使用"Use the terminate() method instead"


   * Terminates this actor system. This will stop the guardian actor, which in turn
   * will recursively stop all its child actors, then the system guardian
   * (below which the logging actors reside) and the execute all registered
   * termination handlers (see [[ActorSystem#registerOnTermination]]).
   * Be careful to not schedule any operations on completion of the returned future
   * using the `dispatcher` of this actor system as it will have been shut down before the
   * future completes.
  def terminate(): Future[Terminated]

   * Stop this actor system. This will stop the guardian actor, which in turn
   * will recursively stop all its child actors, then the system guardian
   * (below which the logging actors reside) and the execute all registered
   * termination handlers (see [[ActorSystem#registerOnTermination]]).
  @deprecated("Use the terminate() method instead", "2.4")
  def shutdown(): Unit





The termination hooks allow system actors to perform final cleanup before the system shuts down or restarts - in this particular case it's to let remote systems know that any remote-deployed actors on the shutting down system are dead, but there are other cases where this gets used inside Akka core

  • The related Akka issue
  • The related Akka.NET issue
  • The Actor system shutdown section of their 2.3 to 2.4 migration guide
  • 关于akka - 有什么理由不建议使用关机方法?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38292093/


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