amazon-web-services - 使用带有分区键和排序键的 bash 删除 DynamoDB 表中的所有项目

标签 amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb aws-cli

我正在尝试使用 bash 中的 AWS CLI 删除具有分区和排序键的 DynamoDB 表中的所有项目。 The best thing I've found so far 是:

aws dynamodb scan --table-name $TABLE_NAME --attributes-to-get "$KEY" \
--query "Items[].$KEY.S" --output text | \
tr "\t" "\n" | \
xargs -t -I keyvalue aws dynamodb delete-item --table-name $TABLE_NAME \
--key "{\"$KEY\": {\"S\": \"keyvalue\"}}"



根据您 table 的大小,这可能太昂贵并导致停机。请记住,删除的成本与写入的成本相同,因此您将受到预配置的 WCU 的限制。删除并重新创建表会更简单、更快。

# this uses jq but basically we're just removing 
# some of the json fields that describe an existing 
# ddb table and are not actually part of the table schema/defintion
aws dynamodb describe-table --table-name $table_name | jq '.Table | del(.TableId, .TableArn, .ItemCount, .TableSizeBytes, .CreationDateTime, .TableStatus, .ProvisionedThroughput.NumberOfDecreasesToday)' > schema.json
# delete the table
aws dynamodb delete-table --table-name $table_name
# create table with same schema (including name and provisioned capacity)
aws dynamodb create-table --cli-input-json file://schema.json

aws dynamodb scan \
  --attributes-to-get $HASH_KEY $RANGE_KEY \
  --table-name $TABLE_NAME --query "Items[*]" \
  # use jq to get each item on its own line
  | jq --compact-output '.[]' \
  # replace newlines with null terminated so 
  # we can tell xargs to ignore special characters 
  | tr '\n' '\0' \
  | xargs -0 -t -I keyItem \
    # use the whole item as the key to delete (dynamo keys *are* dynamo items)
    aws dynamodb delete-item --table-name $TABLE_NAME --key=keyItem

如果你想变得 super 花哨,你可以使用 describe-table 调用来获取哈希和范围键来填充 $HASH_KEY$RANGE_KEY,但我会把它留给你作为练习。

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