exchange-server - Exchange Web服务-发送带有附件的电子邮件

标签 exchange-server exchangewebservices

我刚开始使用EWS(Exchange Web服务),并且正在寻找一个简单的示例,该示例演示如何发送带有附件的电子邮件。我搜索了一个示例,但找不到简单明了的示例。我找到了有关如何发送电子邮件但不发送带有附件的电子邮件的示例。





供您引用,变量 esb 是ExchangeServiceBinding类型的类级别变量。



public void SendEmail(string from, string to, string subject, string body, byte[] attachmentAsBytes, string attachmentName)
            //Create an email message and initialize it with the from address, to address, subject and the body of the email.
            MessageType email = new MessageType();

            email.ToRecipients = new EmailAddressType[1];
            email.ToRecipients[0] = new EmailAddressType();
            email.ToRecipients[0].EmailAddress = to;

            email.From = new SingleRecipientType();
            email.From.Item = new EmailAddressType();
            email.From.Item.EmailAddress = from;

            email.Subject = subject;

            email.Body = new BodyType();
            email.Body.BodyType1 = BodyTypeType.Text;
            email.Body.Value = body;

            //Save the created email to the drafts folder so that we can attach a file to it.
            CreateItemType emailToSave = new CreateItemType();
            emailToSave.Items = new NonEmptyArrayOfAllItemsType();
            emailToSave.Items.Items = new ItemType[1];
            emailToSave.Items.Items[0] = email;
            emailToSave.MessageDisposition = MessageDispositionType.SaveOnly;
            emailToSave.MessageDispositionSpecified = true;

            CreateItemResponseType response = esb.CreateItem(emailToSave);
            ResponseMessageType[] rmta = response.ResponseMessages.Items;
            ItemInfoResponseMessageType emailResponseMessage = (ItemInfoResponseMessageType)rmta[0];

            //Create the file attachment.
            FileAttachmentType fileAttachment = new FileAttachmentType();
            fileAttachment.Content = attachmentAsBytes;
            fileAttachment.Name = attachmentName;
            fileAttachment.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";

            CreateAttachmentType attachmentRequest = new CreateAttachmentType();
            attachmentRequest.Attachments = new AttachmentType[1];
            attachmentRequest.Attachments[0] = fileAttachment;
            attachmentRequest.ParentItemId = emailResponseMessage.Items.Items[0].ItemId;

            //Attach the file to the message.
            CreateAttachmentResponseType attachmentResponse = (CreateAttachmentResponseType)esb.CreateAttachment(attachmentRequest);
            AttachmentInfoResponseMessageType attachmentResponseMessage = (AttachmentInfoResponseMessageType)attachmentResponse.ResponseMessages.Items[0];

            //Create a new item id type using the change key and item id of the email message so that we know what email to send.
            ItemIdType attachmentItemId = new ItemIdType();
            attachmentItemId.ChangeKey = attachmentResponseMessage.Attachments[0].AttachmentId.RootItemChangeKey;
            attachmentItemId.Id = attachmentResponseMessage.Attachments[0].AttachmentId.RootItemId;

            //Send the email.
            SendItemType si = new SendItemType();
            si.ItemIds = new BaseItemIdType[1];
            si.SavedItemFolderId = new TargetFolderIdType();
            si.ItemIds[0] = attachmentItemId;
            DistinguishedFolderIdType siSentItemsFolder = new DistinguishedFolderIdType();
            siSentItemsFolder.Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.sentitems;
            si.SavedItemFolderId.Item = siSentItemsFolder;
            si.SaveItemToFolder = true;

            SendItemResponseType siSendItemResponse = esb.SendItem(si);

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