apache-spark - 列变换后的 Pyspark 随机森林特征重要性映射

标签 apache-spark pyspark apache-spark-sql apache-spark-mllib

我试图用列名绘制某些基于树的模型的特征重要性。我正在使用 Pyspark。

由于我也有文本分类变量和数字变量,我不得不使用类似这样的管道方法 -

  • 使用字符串索引器索引字符串列
  • 对所有列使用一个热编码器
  • 使用 vectorassembler 创建包含特征向量的特征列

    来自 docs 的一些示例代码对于步骤 1,2,3 -
    from pyspark.ml import Pipeline
    from pyspark.ml.feature import OneHotEncoderEstimator, StringIndexer, 
    categoricalColumns = ["workclass", "education", "marital_status", 
    "occupation", "relationship", "race", "sex", "native_country"]
     stages = [] # stages in our Pipeline
     for categoricalCol in categoricalColumns:
        # Category Indexing with StringIndexer
        stringIndexer = StringIndexer(inputCol=categoricalCol, 
        outputCol=categoricalCol + "Index")
        # Use OneHotEncoder to convert categorical variables into binary 
        # encoder = OneHotEncoderEstimator(inputCol=categoricalCol + "Index", 
        outputCol=categoricalCol + "classVec")
        encoder = OneHotEncoderEstimator(inputCols= 
        [stringIndexer.getOutputCol()], outputCols=[categoricalCol + "classVec"])
        # Add stages.  These are not run here, but will run all at once later on.
        stages += [stringIndexer, encoder]
    numericCols = ["age", "fnlwgt", "education_num", "capital_gain", 
    "capital_loss", "hours_per_week"]
    assemblerInputs = [c + "classVec" for c in categoricalColumns] + numericCols
    assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=assemblerInputs, outputCol="features")
    stages += [assembler]
    # Create a Pipeline.
    pipeline = Pipeline(stages=stages)
    # Run the feature transformations.
    #  - fit() computes feature statistics as needed.
    #  - transform() actually transforms the features.
    pipelineModel = pipeline.fit(dataset)
    dataset = pipelineModel.transform(dataset)
  • 最后训练模型

    在训练和评估之后,我可以使用“model.featureImportances”来获得特征排名,但是我没有得到特征/列名称,而只是特征编号,就像这样 -
    print dtModel_1.featureImportances

  • 如何将其映射回初始列名和值?以便我可以绘制? **


    将元数据提取为 shown here来自 user6910411

    attrs = sorted(
        (attr["idx"], attr["name"]) for attr in (chain(*dataset

    [(name, dtModel_1.featureImportances[idx])
     for idx, name in attrs
     if dtModel_1.featureImportances[idx]]

    关于apache-spark - 列变换后的 Pyspark 随机森林特征重要性映射,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50937591/


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