iso - 检查 ISO 是否有效

标签 iso

是否有任何 C# 方法可以检查 ISO 文件是否有效,即有效的 Iso 格式或任何其他可能的检查。 这种情况就像,如果任何文本文件(或任何其他格式文件)被重命名为 ISO 并将其提供给进一步处理。我想检查天气这个 ISO 文件是否是一个有效的 ISO 文件?是否有任何方式以编程方式存在,例如检查文件或文件头的任何属性或任何其他内容




There is no standard definition for ISO image files. ISO disc images are uncompressed and do not use a particular container format; they are a sector-by-sector copy of the data on an optical disc, stored inside a binary file. ISO images are expected to contain the binary image of an optical media file system (usually ISO 9660 and its extensions or UDF), including the data in its files in binary format, copied exactly as they were stored on the disc. The data inside the ISO image will be structured according to the file system that was used on the optical disc from which it was created.


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