scala - Scala其他实例的 protected 成员

标签 scala protected


class A {
    protected def myMethod() = println("myMethod() from A")

class B extends A {
    def invokeMyMethod(a: A) = a.myMethod()


来自Java,我的理解是 protected 成员应该可以在派生类的任何位置进行访问,而且我从没见过任何东西可以告诉我Scala中的 protected 成员受实例的限制。有人对此有解释吗?


引用Scala Language Specification:

A protected identifier x may be used as a member name in a selection r .x only if one of the following applies:

– The access is within the template defining the member, or, if a qualification C is given, inside the package C, or the class C, or its companion module, or

– r is one of the reserved words this and super, or

– r ’s type conforms to a type-instance of the class which contains the access.

这三个规则定义了何时确切允许一个实例访问另一个实例的 protected 成员。需要注意的一件事是,根据最后一条规则,当B扩展A时,A实例可以访问另一个B实例的 protected 成员……但是B实例不能访问另一个A的 protected 成员!换句话说:
class A {
    protected val aMember = "a"
    def accessBMember(b: B) = b.bMember // legal!

class B extends A {
    protected val bMember = "b"
    def accessAMember(a: A) = a.aMember // illegal!

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