haskell - 使用 Aeson 解析嵌套 JSON 中的数组

标签 haskell aeson

我正在尝试写一个 FromJSON Aeson 的功能。


  "total": 1,
  "movies": [
      "id": "771315522",
      "title": "Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (Wizard's Collection)",
      "posters": {
        "thumbnail": "http://content7.flixster.com/movie/11/16/66/11166609_mob.jpg",
        "profile": "http://content7.flixster.com/movie/11/16/66/11166609_pro.jpg",
        "detailed": "http://content7.flixster.com/movie/11/16/66/11166609_det.jpg",
        "original": "http://content7.flixster.com/movie/11/16/66/11166609_ori.jpg"

ADT:data Movie = Movie {id::String, title::String}
instance FromJSON Movie where
    parseJSON (Object o) = do
       movies <- parseJSON =<< (o .: "movies") :: Parser Array
       v <- head $ decode movies
       return $ Movie <$>
           (v .: "movies" >>= (.: "id") ) <*>
           (v .: "movies" >>= (.: "title") )
    parseJSON _ = mzero

这给出了 Couldn't match expected type 'Parser t0' with actual type 'Maybe a0' In the first argument of 'head' .

如您所见,我正在尝试选择 Array 中的第一部电影。 ,但我也不介意获取电影列表(如果数组中有多个电影)。


如果你真的想解析单个 Movie从电影的 JSON 数组中,您可以执行以下操作:

instance FromJSON Movie where
    parseJSON (Object o) = do
        movieValue <- head <$> o .: "movies"
        Movie <$> movieValue .: "id" <*> movieValue .: "title"
    parseJSON _ = mzero

但更安全的方法是解析 [Movie]通过 newtype包装:
main = print $ movieList <$> decode "{\"total\":1,\"movies\":[ {\"id\":\"771315522\",\"title\":\"Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (Wizard's Collection)\",\"posters\":{\"thumbnail\":\"http://content7.flixster.com/movie/11/16/66/11166609_mob.jpg\",\"profile\":\"http://content7.flixster.com/movie/11/16/66/11166609_pro.jpg\",\"detailed\":\"http://content7.flixster.com/movie/11/16/66/11166609_det.jpg\",\"original\":\"http://content7.flixster.com/movie/11/16/66/11166609_ori.jpg\"}}]}"

newtype MovieList = MovieList {movieList :: [Movie]}

instance FromJSON MovieList where
    parseJSON (Object o) = MovieList <$> o .: "movies"
    parseJSON _ = mzero

data Movie = Movie {id :: String, title :: String}

instance FromJSON Movie where
    parseJSON (Object o) = Movie <$> o .: "id" <*> o .: "title"
    parseJSON _ = mzero

关于haskell - 使用 Aeson 解析嵌套 JSON 中的数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16547783/


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