scala - 将尝试转换为 future 并恢复为 future

标签 scala concurrency future

我有一个 Try抛出异常。我想要那个 Try成为Future这样我就可以 recoverWith .
我如何转换 TryFuture不处理 Try 中的任何异常(只是在 future 与恢复)?
请注意,需要使用 Await 来测试您 future 的结果
代码示例演示了我的想法,但一旦达到它也会抛出(new RuntimeException("-------failed-------") 是我得到的)

val t = Try(throw new RuntimeException("my"))

val resF : Future[String] = if (t.isSuccess)
  Future.failed(new RuntimeException("-------failed-------"))

val resFWithRecover = resF.recoverWith{
  case NonFatal(e) =>
Await.result(resFWithRecover, Duration("5s"))


... how do convert Try to Future without handling any exception in the Try?

使用 Future.fromTry .
scala> val t = Try(throw new RuntimeException("my"))
t: scala.util.Try[Nothing] = Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: my)

scala> val resF = Future.fromTry(t)
resF: scala.concurrent.Future[Nothing] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$KeptPromise@57cf54e1

scala> resF.recoverWith{
     |   case NonFatal(e) =>
     |     Future.successful("recoveredWith")
     | }
res5: scala.concurrent.Future[String] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise@1b75c2e3

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