javascript - 有没有办法让这个幻灯片自动移动?

标签 javascript recursion lambda functional-programming closures


这是 JS 文件:

但是,此幻灯片放映没有自动浏览每张图片的设置。您仍然必须单击其下方的数字才能查看图像。有人知道要在 javascript 代码中添加什么以使其自动遍历每个图像吗?




var SlideChanger = function(seconds_each) {
  var index = -1; 
  // on the first cycle, index will be set to zero below
  var maxindex = ($(".change_link").length) - 1; 
  // how many total slides are there (count the slide buttons)
  var timer = function() { 
  // this is the function returned by SlideChanger
    var logic = function() { 
    // this is an inner function which uses the 
    // enclosed values (index and maxindex) to cycle through the slides
      if (index == maxindex) 
        index = 0; // reset to first slide
        index++; // goto next slide, set index to zero on first cycle
      $('.slideshow').blinds_change(index); // this is what changes the slide
      setTimeout(logic, 1000 * seconds_each); 
      // schedule ourself to run in the future
    logic(); // get the ball rolling
  return timer; // give caller the function

SlideChanger(5)(); // get the function at five seconds per slide and run it

我们在这里所做的是在定义它的函数 (SlideChanger) 之外公开内部函数 timer。此函数 (timer) 可以访问 SlideChanger 中定义的变量(indexmaxindex)。

现在我们已经在封闭环境中设置了变量和返回调用者的函数,我们可以在logic 中设置逻辑引擎。当 logic 运行时,它使用 indexmaxindex 来确定接下来应该显示哪张幻灯片,显示幻灯片,并安排自己运行以后再来。

调用时,返回函数会调用逻辑 来启动程序。然后 logic 每次运行时都会安排自己在未来运行,从而无限期地重复。

因此,总而言之,我们使用数字参数 x 调用 SlideChanger。它返回一个函数,该函数在被调用后将每 x 秒更改一次幻灯片。


(function(seconds_each) {
  var index = -1; 
  // on the first cycle, index will be set to zero below
  var maxindex = ($(".change_link").length) - 1; 
  // how many total slides are there (count the slide buttons)
  return function() { 
  // this is the function returned by SlideChanger
    var logic = function() { 
    // this is an inner function which uses the 
    // enclosed values (index and maxindex) to cycle through the slides
      if (index == maxindex) 
        index = 0; // reset to first slide
        index++; // goto next slide, set index to zero on first cycle
      $('.slideshow').blinds_change(index); // this is what changes the slide
      setTimeout(logic, 1000 * seconds_each); 
      // schedule ourself to run in the future
    logic(); // get the ball rolling
})(5)(); // get the function at five seconds per slide and run it

JavaScript 是一种很好的语言,具有许多函数式编程结构,例如高阶函数(创建函数或接受函数作为参数的函数)和匿名函数。有关详细信息,请参阅

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