Highcharts 页脚间距

标签 highcharts

使用 Highcharts 我想将页脚文本放在图表下方。我能看到的唯一方法是使用 credits 属性。但是对于长文本,它看起来很局促。有没有办法设置学分的样式以增加间距?


    credits: {
        position: {
            align: 'center'
        text: 'this is some really long text that i am using as a footer',
        href: null



    chart: {
        marginBottom: 100 //space from axis to chart bottom
    legend: {y: -20}, // position between axis and legend

    credits: {
        text: 'This is so super duper uper long text. Look at all this space!',
        position: {
            align: 'center',
            y: -5 // position of credits
        style: {
            fontSize: '14pt' // you can style it!

fiddle here .

enter image description here

关于Highcharts 页脚间距,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16065727/


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