tensorflow - 在 Tensorflow 中可视化注意力激活

标签 tensorflow deep-learning attention-model sequence-to-sequence

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有没有办法在 TensorFlow 的 seq2seq 中可视化某些输入的注意力权重,例如上面链接中的图(来自 Bahdanau 等人,2014 年)楷模?我找到了 TensorFlow's github issue关于这一点,但我无法找到如何在 session 期间获取注意力掩码。


我还想为我的文本摘要任务可视化 Tensorflow seq2seq ops 的注意力权重。我认为临时解决方案是使用 session.run() 来评估上面提到的注意力掩码张量。有趣的是,原来的 seq2seq.py ops 被认为是遗留版本,在 github 中不容易找到,所以我只是使用了 0.12.0 wheel 发行版中的 seq2seq.py 文件并对其进行了修改。为了绘制热图,我使用了'Matplotlib'包,非常方便。

enter image description here



# Find the attention mask tensor in function attention_decoder()-> attention()
# Add the attention mask tensor to ‘return’ statement of all the function that calls the attention_decoder(), 
# all the way up to model_with_buckets() function, which is the final function I use for bucket training.

def attention(query):
  """Put attention masks on hidden using hidden_features and query."""
  ds = []  # Results of attention reads will be stored here.

  # some code

  for a in xrange(num_heads):
    with variable_scope.variable_scope("Attention_%d" % a):
      # some code

      s = math_ops.reduce_sum(v[a] * math_ops.tanh(hidden_features[a] + y),
                              [2, 3])
      # This is the attention mask tensor we want to extract
      a = nn_ops.softmax(s)

      # some code

  # add 'a' to return function
  return ds, a

# modified model.step() function and return masks tensor
self.outputs, self.losses, self.attn_masks = seq2seq_attn.model_with_buckets(…)

# use session.run() to evaluate attn masks
attn_out = session.run(self.attn_masks[bucket_id], input_feed)
attn_matrix = ...

# Use the plot_attention function in eval.py to visual the 2D ndarray during prediction.

eval.plot_attention(attn_matrix[0:ty_cut, 0:tx_cut], X_label = X_label, Y_label = Y_label)

并且可能在 future tensorflow 将有更好的方法来提取和可视化注意力权重图。有什么想法吗?

关于tensorflow - 在 Tensorflow 中可视化注意力激活,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40601552/


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