performance - 以最快的方式查找两点之间的距离

标签 performance flash actionscript-3 math distance

此代码使用距离公式Math.sqrt ( (x1 – x2)^2 + (y1 – y2) ^2) 计算两点之间的距离。我的第一点是 mmxmmy 协调,第二点是 oxoy 协调。我的问题很简单,有没有更快的计算方法?

private function dist(mmx:int, mmy:int, ox:int, oy:int):Number{
  return Math.sqrt((mmx-ox)*(mmx-ox)+(mmy-oy)*(mmy-oy));


public function moveIT(Xmouse, Ymouse):void{
            f = Point.distance( new Point( Xmouse, Ymouse ), new Point( mainSP.x, mainSP.y ) );// distance between mouse and instance 
            distancePro = Point.distance( pointO, new Point( mainSP.x, mainSP.y ) );// distance from start point 
            if (  f < strtSen ){ // move forward
                tt.stop(); tt.reset(); // delay timer on destination    
                mF = true;  mB = false;
                ag = Math.atan2((Ymouse - mainSP.y),(Xmouse - mainSP.x)); // move-forward angle, between mouse and instance
            if (mF){ /// shoot loop
                if (f > 5){// 5 pixel
                    mainSP.x -= Math.round( (400 /f) + .5 ) * Math.cos(ag);
                    mainSP.y -= Math.round( (400 /f) + .5 ) * Math.sin(ag);
                if (  distancePro > backSen ){// (backSen = max distance)
                    mF = false;         
                    tt.start();// delay timer on destination
            if (mB){ /// return loop
                if ( distancePro < 24 ){//  back angle re-calculation
                    agBACK = Math.atan2((y1 - mainSP.y),(x1 - mainSP.x));                   
                mainSP.x += (Math.cos(agBACK) * rturnSpeed);
                mainSP.y += (Math.sin(agBACK) * rturnSpeed);
                if ( distancePro < 4 ){ // fix position to start point (x1,y1)
                    mB = false;
                    mainSP.x = x1; mainSP.y = y1;
private function scTimer(evt:TimerEvent):void {// timer
            agBACK = Math.atan2((y1 - mainSP.y),(x1 - mainSP.x));// move-back angle between start point and instance
            mB = true;

另外:pointO = new Point(x1,y1); 设置起点。由于父类调用应用程序的方式,我不能使用 mouseX 和 mouseY,所以我只能将 x 和 y 传递到我的循环。



f = Math.sqrt((Xmouse-mainSP.x)*(Xmouse-mainSP.x)+(Ymouse-mainSP.y)*(Ymouse-mainSP.y)); 
distancePro = Math.sqrt((x1-mainSP.x)*(x1-mainSP.x)+(y1-mainSP.y)*(y1-mainSP.y));

使用 Point.distance 可读性更高,但速度要慢几倍。如果你想要速度,你想直接内联你的数学。

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