r - 显示由 R 脚本生成的警告发生时

标签 r


#Read data for X
DataX = read.delim(file = 'XRecords.txt',
                   col.names = XFields[,'FieldName'])
print('Data X read')
#Convert fields that should be numeric into numeric so they can summed
DataX[,NumFieldNames] = as.numeric(as.character(XData[,NumFieldNames]))
print('Data X scrubbed')

[1] "Data X read"
[1] "Data X scrubbed"
[1] "Data Y read"
[1] "Data Y scrubbed"
Warning message:
In eval(expr, envir, enclos) : NAs introduced by coercion

根据该输出,我重新加载数据 Y 并开始查找字符串到数字转换失败的记录。经过几个小时的挫折,我意识到数据 X 实际上是有类型转换错误的那个。


如果可以避免,我宁愿不要在我的系统上加载任何额外的包。我正在使用它来工作,为了在我的计算机上安装 CRAN 发行版,我不得不跳过几个环节。




foo <- function() {
  X <- c("1", "2", "three")
  print("Data X read")
  X <- as.numeric(X)
  print("Data X scrubbed")
  Y <- c("1", "2", "3")
  print("Data Y read")
  Y <- as.numeric(Y)
  print("Data Y scrubbed")

> foo()
[1] "Data X read"
[1] "Data X scrubbed"
[1] "Data Y read"
[1] "Data Y scrubbed"
Warning message:
In foo() : NAs introduced by coercion

警告的行为由 warn 处理选项(见 help("options"))。这给出了选择,包括

If warn is one, warnings are printed as they occur.

将选项更改为 1 然后给出
> options(warn=1)
> foo()
[1] "Data X read"
Warning in foo() : NAs introduced by coercion
[1] "Data X scrubbed"
[1] "Data Y read"
[1] "Data Y scrubbed"

关于r - 显示由 R 脚本生成的警告发生时,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15439336/


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