android - 在 Eclipse ADT 中找不到 v7 首选项支持库

标签 android eclipse android-support-library android-appcompat

我目前正在使用 Eclipse ADT 23.0.7 进行 Android 应用程序开发。我的 SDK 管理器针对 Android 6.0 进行了更新,如下所示。

enter image description here .

我想在我的项目中使用v7 Preference Support Library。但是,不幸的是,我无法在我的 (sdk)/extras/android/support/v7 目录中找到它,如 Android Developer Website 中所述. enter image description here


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Google 停止提供 Eclipse 项目。它促使开发人员从 Eclipse 迁移到 Android Studio。所以所有库都可以作为 *.aar 文件使用

但在 Eclipse 中仍然可以访问这些文件。 在 \android-sdk\extras\android\m2repository\com\android\support\preference-v7\23.0.1\

找到你的库的 aar

然后使用 CommonsWare 人的说明 Consuming AARs from Eclipse :

  1. UnZIP the AAR into some directory.

  2. Create an empty directory that will be the home for the Android library project. For the rest of these steps, I will refer to this as “the output directory”.

  3. Copy the AndroidManifest.xml, res/, and assets/ directories from the AAR into the output directory.

  4. Create a libs/ directory in the output directory. Copy into libs/ the classes.jar from the root of the unZIPped AAR, plus anything in libs/ in the AAR (e.g., mediarouter-v7 has its own JAR of proprietary bits).

  5. Decide what build SDK you want to try to use. You might just choose the highest SDK version you have installed. Or, you can use the android:minSdkVersion and the -vNN resource set qualifiers to get clues as to what a good build SDK might be. If desired, create a file with a target=android-NNN line, where NNN is your chosen build SDK. Or, you can address this in Eclipse later on.

  6. Import the resulting project into Eclipse, and if needed adjust the build SDK (Project > Properties > Android). Also, you will need to attach to this library project any library projects it depends upon (e.g., mediarouter-v7 depends upon appcompat-v7).

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