apache-flex - Flash Builder 4 现在是否使用 AIR 2?

标签 apache-flex air flex4 air2

我刚刚获得了包含 Flash Builder 4 和 Flash CS5 Pro 的 CS5 主套件。

当我在 CS5 pro 中创建一个新的 AIR 应用程序时,它显示“AIR 2”,但是当我在 Flash Builder 中创建一个新的 AIR 项目时,我没有看到任何表明它是 AIR 2 或 1.5 的信息?

有没有办法知道它正在使用哪个 AIR 运行时?


我认为您必须下载 SDK 并自己安装;但 Flash Builder 应该可以正常工作:


How to overlay the Adobe AIR SDK for use with the Flex SDK

  1. Copy the contents an existing Flex SDK folder to a new folder. For example, in Flex Builder, copy the following folder located at: * Windows: c:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.2.0 * Mac OS: /Applications/Adobe Flex Builder 3/sdks/3.2.0
  2. Download the appropriate AIR SDK file for your operating system and save it to the root folder of the Flex SDK. * Windows: AIR20_win_sdk_XXXXXX.zip * Mac OS: AIR20_mac_sdk_XXXXXX.tbz2
  3. Extract the contents of the AIR SDK archive and overwrite the existing SDK files in the copied folder. * Windows: Right-click on the ZIP file and select "Extract All" or use the decompression tool of your choice. * Mac OS: In Terminal, cd to the root folder of the Flex SDK and run this command: * tar jxvf AIR20_mac_sdk_XXXXXX.tbz2

      If you have trouble overwriting files due to file

    permissions, try this command sudo tar jxvf AIR20_mac_sdk_XXXXXX.tbz2

  4. In Flex or Flash Builder, open the Properties dialog and choose the Flex Compiler page

  5. Click the Configure Flex SDKs... link
  6. Add the combined Flex and AIR 2 SDK folder created above
  7. Use this SDK for any projects accessing AIR 2 APIs.

为生产版本更新此内容;前往 http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Downloads 下载您首选的 Flex SDK 版本并在 http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/entitlement/index.cfm?e=airsdk 下载 AIR 2 SDK .

使用上面的说明(1-3)将两者叠加;然后在 Flash Builder 中配置新的 SDK(也使用上面的说明(4-7)。

更新:自从我原来的帖子以来; Flex 4.1 SDK 已发布,其中包括相关的 AIR 2 位。 You can get it here

关于apache-flex - Flash Builder 4 现在是否使用 AIR 2?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3040401/


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