android - 安卓apk证书丢失。我还没有注册 Google Play App Signing

标签 android google-play android-app-signing

我丢失了我的 android apk 证书。我格式化了我的 mac mini 并升级到新的 MacBook Pro。现在我无法访问旧 mac。所以没有机会检索旧的 keystore 。而且我还没有注册 Google Play App Signing。如果我现在注册,我可以更新我的应用程序吗?

这是我尝试在 Play 商店更新我的应用时遇到的错误:

You uploaded an APK that is signed with a different certificate to your previous APKs. You must use the same certificate.

我知道这是一个重复的问题,但我再次提出这个问题是因为所有其他问题都已有 3.4 年历史了。我在某处读到说 2017 年 5 月之后是可能的,但我不知道如何实现。


No need to Remove Your app from play Store You can Update Your app. it’s Possible now, After May 2017 you can Update your app if you lost your keystore or keystore password. Don’t lose Hope you can update your app using new Keystore file please refer this blog Code Hub here i wrote how to update apk if you lost your keystore follow the step and create new keystore , I updated my app using this step. you need to enable google play app signing on play store console

是否有机会更新我当前的应用程序?无需在 Playstore 上创建新应用。



If you lose your keystore or think it may be compromised, Google Play App Signing makes it possible to request a reset to your upload key. If you're not enrolled in Google Play App Signing and lose your keystore, you'll need to publish a new app with a new package name.


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