javascript - ng-repeat 中的 Angular 单选按钮模型

标签 javascript angularjs radio-button



这是我的 HTML 的样子

<tr ng-repeat="contact in ContactsList">
    <td ng-class="{'success':contact.isPrimary}">
        <input type="radio" name="radio-primary" ng-model="contact.isPrimary" />
    <td ng-class="{'success':contact.isTechnical}">
        <input type="checkbox" ng-model="contact.isTechnical" />

这是我的 Controller

function MyCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.ContactsList = [{
        name: "John Doe",
        email: "",
        isPrimary: false,
        isTechnical: true
    }, {
        name: "Jane Doe",
        email: "",
        isPrimary: true,
        isTechnical: false
    }, {
        name: "Bill Murray",
        email: "",
        isPrimary: false,
        isTechnical: false
    }, {
        name: "Someone Dude",
        email: "",
        isPrimary: false,
        isTechnical: false



AngularJS 文档对单选按钮的用法做了一些解释。[radio]该解释没有考虑真正的“动态”环境。如您所见,颜色在示例中带有前缀。我假设,您希望您的表是完全动态的,没有任何前缀。

我做的第一件事是对 HTML 进行以下更改:

<form name="myForm" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
    <h4>Primary: {{GetPrimaryContact().email}}</h4>

    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
        <tr ng-repeat="contact in ContactsList">
            <td ng-class="{'success':contact.isPrimary == 'true'}">
                <input type="radio" name="radio-primary" ng-model="contact.isPrimary" value="true" ng-change="update($index)" />
            <td ng-class="{'success':contact.isTechnical}">
                <input type="checkbox" ng-model="contact.isTechnical" />
            <td ng-class="{'success':contact.isSales}">
                <input type="checkbox" ng-model="contact.isSales" />
            <td ng-class="{'success':contact.isBilling}">
                <input type="checkbox" ng-model="contact.isBilling" />
            <td ng-class="{'success':contact.isEmergency}">
                <input type="checkbox" ng-model="contact.isEmergency" />

success 类检查将 isPrimary 与字符串“true”进行比较。在单选按钮上进行比较时,我无法使用真正的 bool 值。

此外,现在有一个 value="true" 是比较所必需的(它检查行,其中 isPrimary 实际上是 true)。最后一件事是 ng-change 部分中的一个新方法。我们需要这个,因为当一个值变为真时,我们需要告诉 Controller 其他值是假的。这就是为什么我们还将 ng-repeat 迭代的 $index 赋给该方法,因为当前更改为 true 的值不会不需要再次为 false

这是新的 Controller :

function MyCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.ContactsList = [{
        name: "John Doe",
        email: "",
        isPrimary: 'false',
        isTechnical: true,
        isSales: false,
        isBilling: true,
        isEmergency: true
    }, {
        name: "Jane Doe",
        email: "",
        isPrimary: 'true',
        isTechnical: false,
        isSales: false,
        isBilling: true,
        isEmergency: true
    }, {
        name: "Bill Murray",
        email: "",
        isPrimary: 'false',
        isTechnical: false,
        isSales: true,
        isBilling: false,
        isEmergency: false
    }, {
        name: "Someone Dude",
        email: "",
        isPrimary: 'false',
        isTechnical: false,
        isSales: false,
        isBilling: false,
        isEmergency: true

    $scope.GetPrimaryContact = function () {
        return _.findWhere($scope.ContactsList, {
            isPrimary: 'true'

    $scope.update = function(index) {
        for (var i=0;i<$scope.ContactsList.length;i++) {
            if (index != i) {
                $scope.ContactsList[i].isPrimary = 'false';

Controller 包含更改,即 isPrimary 使用字符串而不是 bool 值和新的 update() 方法。这是 jsfiddle 中的工作演示的链接:


克里斯和我显然找到了一种方法,在 ng-repeat 中为单选按钮使用真正的 bool 值。 为了使用它,必须使用 ng-value="true" 而不是 value="true"value 似乎不起作用,我在这里得到了这个想法:AngularJS - Binding radio buttons to models with boolean values

HTML 部分将如下所示:

<form name="myForm" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
    <h4>Primary: {{GetPrimaryContact().email}}</h4>

    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
        <tr ng-repeat="contact in ContactsList">
            <td ng-class="{'success':contact.isPrimary}">
                <input type="radio" name="radio-primary" ng-value="true" ng-model="contact.isPrimary" ng-checked="contact.isPrimary" ng-change="UpdatePrimary(contact)" />
            <td ng-class="{'success':contact.isTechnical}">
                <input type="checkbox" ng-model="contact.isTechnical" />
            <td ng-class="{'success':contact.isSales}">
                <input type="checkbox" ng-model="contact.isSales" />
            <td ng-class="{'success':contact.isBilling}">
                <input type="checkbox" ng-model="contact.isBilling" />
            <td ng-class="{'success':contact.isEmergency}">
                <input type="checkbox" ng-model="contact.isEmergency" />

Controller 是这样的:

function MyCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.ContactsList = [{
        name: "John Doe",
        email: "",
        isPrimary: false,
        isTechnical: true,
        isSales: false,
        isBilling: true,
        isEmergency: true
    }, {
        name: "Jane Doe",
        email: "",
        isPrimary: true,
        isTechnical: false,
        isSales: false,
        isBilling: true,
        isEmergency: true
    }, {
        name: "Bill Murray",
        email: "",
        isPrimary: false,
        isTechnical: false,
        isSales: true,
        isBilling: false,
        isEmergency: false
    }, {
        name: "Someone Dude",
        email: "",
        isPrimary: false,
        isTechnical: false,
        isSales: false,
        isBilling: false,
        isEmergency: true

    $scope.GetPrimaryContact = function () {
        return _.findWhere($scope.ContactsList, {
            isPrimary: true

    $scope.UpdatePrimary = function(contact) {
        _.each($scope.ContactsList, function(x) {
            x.isPrimary = ( ===;

这是 jsfiddle 中的演示:

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