将 json 转换为 CSV 文件的 Groovy 代码

标签 groovy

有没有人有将 JSON 文档转换为 CSV 文件的示例 Groovy 代码?我曾尝试在 Google 上进行搜索,但无济于事。


[ company_id: '1',
  web_address: 'vodafone.com/',
  phone: '+44 11111',
  fax: '',
  email: '',
  addresses: [ 
      [ type: "office", 
        street_address: "Vodafone House, The Connection",
        zip_code: "RG14 2FN",
        geo: [ lat: 51.4145, lng: 1.318385 ] ]
  number_of_employees: 91272,
  naics: [
      primary: [ 
          "517210": "Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite)" ],
      secondary: [ 
          "517110": "Wired Telecommunications Carriers",
          "517919": "Internet Service Providers",
          "518210": "Web Hosting"


def export(){
   def exportCsv = [ [ id:'1', color:'red', planet:'mars', description:'Mars, the "red" planet'], 
                     [ id:'2', color:'green', planet:'neptune', description:'Neptune, the "green" planet'],
                     [ id:'3', color:'blue', planet:'earth', description:'Earth, the "blue" planet'],
    def out = new File('/home/mandeep/groovy/workspace/FirstGroovyProject/src/test.csv') 
    exportCsv.each {
        def row = [it.id, it.color, it.planet,it.description]
        out.append row.join(',')
        out.append '\n'
    return out



import groovy.json.*

// Added extra fields and types for testing    
def js = '''{"infile": [{"field1": 11,"field2": 12,                 "field3": 13},
                        {"field1": 21,             "field4": "dave","field3": 23},
                        {"field1": 31,"field2": 32,                 "field3": 33}]}'''

def data = new JsonSlurper().parseText( js ) 
def columns = data.infile*.keySet().flatten().unique()

// Wrap strings in double quotes, and remove nulls
def encode = { e -> e == null ? '' : e instanceof String ? /"$e"/ : "$e" }

// Print all the column names
println columns.collect { c -> encode( c ) }.join( ',' )

// Then create all the rows
println data.infile.collect { row ->
    // A row at a time
    columns.collect { colName -> encode( row[ colName ] ) }.join( ',' )
}.join( '\n' )




关于将 json 转换为 CSV 文件的 Groovy 代码,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21576162/


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