
标签 scala pattern-matching

当使用完全限定的类名参数化时,我在模式匹配 Scala 中的对象时遇到了一个小问题。这是基于 Scala。有人知道这段代码有什么问题吗?

scala> "foo" match {
 | case y : Seq[Integer] =>
 | case y : Seq[java.lang.Integer] =>
<console>:3: error: ']' expected but '.' found.
   case y : Seq[java.lang.Integer] =>



来自 Scala Language Specification , 第 8.1 节模式, : 后面的标识符需要是所谓的类型模式,在第 8.2 节中定义:

Type patterns consist of types, type variables, and wildcards. A type pattern T is of one of the following forms:


A parameterized type pattern T [a(1), . . . , a(n)], where the a(i) are type variable patterns or wildcards _. This type pattern matches all values which match T for some arbitrary instantiation of the type variables and wildcards. The bounds or alias type of these type variable are determined as described in (§8.3).


A type variable pattern is a simple identifier which starts with a lower case letter. However, the predefined primitive type aliases unit, boolean, byte, short, char, int, long, float, and double are not classified as type variable patterns.

type JavaInt = java.lang.Integer
List(new java.lang.Integer(5)) match {
    case y: Seq[JavaInt] => 6
    case _ => 7

将按预期返回 6。问题在于,正如 Alan Burlison 指出的那样,以下也返回 6:
List("foobar") match {
    case y: Seq[JavaInt] => 6
    case _ => 7

因为类型正在被删除。您可以通过运行 REPL 或带有 -unchecked 选项的 scalac 来查看这一点。

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