scala - 如何使用 fold 做 bool 测试

标签 scala datetime fold

我想知道在 Scala 中解决这个问题的惯用方法。



def checkDate(开始:DateTime,结束:DateTime,介于:IndexedSeq[DateTime]): bool 值


def checkDate(start: DateTime, end: DateTime, between: IndexedSeq[DateTime]): Boolean = {
  i = 1
  status = true
  while(start != end) {
    d = start.plusDays(i)
    if (!between.contains(d) {
      status = false
    i += 1
  return status



def checkDate(start: DateTime, end: DateTime, between: IndexedSeq[DateTime]): Boolean = {

  // A fold will assume the dates are in order and move left (or right)
  // This means the dates must be sorted.
  val sorted = between.sortBy(_.getMillis())

  val a = sorted.foldLeft(List[Boolean]) {
    (acc, current) => {
      // How do I access an iterable version of the start date?
      if (current == ??) {
        acc :: true
      } else false

  // If the foldLeft produced any values that could NOT be matched
  // to the between list, then the start date does not have an 
  // uninterrupted path to the end date.
  if (a.count(_ == false) > 0) false
  else true

我只需要弄清楚如何索引 start 参数,这样我就可以在折叠遍历 between 集合时增加它的值。或者可能 fold 根本不是我应该使用的。



您可以在累加器中传递之前的 DateTime 项:

val a = sortedBetween.foldLeft((List[Boolean](), start)) {
  case ((results, prev), current) => {
    ... calculate res here ...
    (results ++ List(res), current)

但对于这种检查,您最好使用滑动和 forall 组合:

 sortedBetween.sliding(2).forall {
   case List(prev,cur) => the check here ..

另外,请注意您忽略了排序之间的结果,因为 IndexedSeq 是不可变的。修复 - 使用另一个 val:

val sortedBetween = between.sortBy(_.getMillis())

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