coldfusion - Apache POI XSSF header 未创建

标签 coldfusion apache-poi coldfusion-10

当我尝试创建 xlsx 时,我一直在创建 header 。我能够创建一个包含行和合并单元格的文件,但标题似乎永远不起作用。这是我所拥有的:

var WorkBook = CreateObject( 

var Sheet = WorkBook.CreateSheet(
    JavaCast( "string", 'my sheetname' )

// create the default header if it doesn't exist
var header = sheet.getHeader(); // have also tried getEvenHeader() and getOddHeader()

header.setText('&LLeft Section');
// have also tried the following:
//header.setLeft('left header');
//header.setRight('right header');

// open the file stream
var FileOutputStream = CreateObject(
    JavaCast( "string", filename )

// Write the workbook data to the file stream.

// Close the file output stream.


编辑: 正如 Leigh 在下面指出的那样,页眉/页脚在 Excel 中的含义与我对它们的理解(如在 PDF 中)不同。我对在 Excel 中添加标题将其显示在第一行上方的方式感到困惑,并认为通过 POI 添加标题会做同样的事情。



愚蠢的问题,但是你如何验证 header 不存在?在 Excel 中,headers and footers should only be visible when printing (or in print preview mode)

...Headers and footers are not displayed on the worksheet in Normal view — they are displayed only in Page Layout view and on the printed pages.

FWIW,在我填充至少一个单元格后(因此有一些东西要打印),该代码在 CF10 和 11 下对我来说工作得很好。

Runnable Example on

    workBook = CreateObject( "java", "org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook").Init();
    sheet = WorkBook.CreateSheet( JavaCast( "string", 'my sheetname' ) );
    header = sheet.getHeader(); // have also tried getEvenHeader() and getOddHeader()
    header.setText('&LLeft Section');
    // add some data so there is something to print
    sheet.createRow(0).createCell(0).setCellValue("sample value");
    // Using binary stream because does not support files for security reasons
    baos = createObject("java", "").init();
    // Write the workbook data to the binary stream
    workBook.write( baos );

<!--- CF10 lacks support for script version of cfcontent --->
<cfcontent type="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"

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