e-commerce - 关于停止捐款欺诈的建议

标签 e-commerce donations fraud-prevention

我为一家非营利组织工作,并创建了在线捐赠页面。最近,此捐赠页面已被用于通过名为 Carding 的流程验证被盗信用卡详细信息。 .

它的工作方式是,懒惰者掌握了一大堆信用详细信息,但不知道哪些数字是好的或不好的。因此,他们转到捐赠页面并尝试使用被盗卡号进行小额捐赠(5 美元或更少)。如果捐赠通过,那么他们可以使用该号码进行更大的购买。





  • 不要接受“小额”捐赠。
  • 不要在“短”时间内接受来自同一 IP 地址的“大量”捐赠。
  • 考虑购买信用卡欺诈保险。

  • “小”、“多”和“短”的含义取决于您。

    如果您还没有这样做,请考虑专门使用 PayPal 来接受信用卡。

    With no programming skills required, our Donate button is an easy and affordable way to start accepting donations online.

    • Discounted rates for 501(c)(3) status
    • Your donors don't even need a PayPal account
    • Accept all major credit cards



    If there's one thing people know about PayPal, it's how seriously we take security. Behind the scenes, we work to help keep you and your donors safe from fraud.

    Automatic Fraud Screening

    Guard your business with our relentless fraud screens, address (AVS) and card verification (CVV2) checks, and 128-bit encryption—all included at no extra charge.

    PCI & CISP Compliance

    PayPal adheres to international PCI (Payment Card Industry) and CISP (Cardholder Information Security Program) standards for data protection. These standards are designed to help protect your business from fraud and loss of data. Because we handle the payment card information, you don't have to worry about meeting compliance standards yourself or storing your customers' sensitive financial information.

    完整免责声明:我与 PayPal 或任何信用卡公司没有任何关系。我没有运营电子商务网站、非营利网站或任何其他接受电子支付的网站,也没有任何第一手经验。我不是律师。我只是一个程序员。

    关于e-commerce - 关于停止捐款欺诈的建议,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4676656/


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