scala - 将 Scala @suspendable 方法转换为 Future

标签 scala continuations

假设我有一个 sleep 功能:

def sleep(delay:Int) : Unit @suspendable = {

是否有可能有一个函数 future 来创建可以同步等待的 sleep 函数的异步版本。
def future(targetFunc: (Int => Unit @suspendable)) : (Int => Future) = {

class Future {
  def await : Unit @suspendable = {

reset {
  val sleepAsync = future(sleep)
  val future1 = sleepAsync(2000)
  val future2 = sleepAsync(3000)
  /* finishes after a delay of 3000 */

对 sleepAsync 的两次调用应该会立即返回,对 Future#await 的两次调用应该会出现阻塞。当然他们都真的在reset结束后掉了下来,后面的代码负责调用延迟后的continuation。

否则是否有另一种方法可以并行运行两个@suspendable 函数并等待它们都完成?



object Forks {

  import scala.util.continuations._

  case class Forker(forks: Vector[() => Unit @suspendable]) {
    def ~(block: => Unit @suspendable): Forker = Forker(forks :+ (() => block))
    def joinIf(pred: Int => Boolean): Unit @suspendable = shift { k: (Unit => Unit) =>
      val counter = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger(forks.size)
      forks foreach { f =>
        reset {
          if (pred(counter.decrementAndGet)) k()
    def joinAll() = joinIf(_ == 0)
    def joinAny() = joinIf(_ == forks.size - 1)

  def fork(block: => Unit @suspendable): Forker = Forker(Vector(() => block))

使用 fork(),我们现在可以等待许多“可暂停”。使用 ~() 将可悬浮物链接在一起。使用 joinAll() 等待所有 suspendable 并使用 joinAny() 仅等待一个。使用 joinIf() 自定义连接策略。
object Tests extends App {

  import java.util.{Timer, TimerTask}
  import scala.util.continuations._

  implicit val timer = new Timer

  def sleep(ms: Int)(implicit timer: Timer): Unit @suspendable = {
    shift { k: (Unit => Unit) =>
      timer.schedule(new TimerTask {
        def run = k()
      }, ms)

  import Forks._

  reset {
    fork {
      println("sleeping for 2000 ms")
      println("slept for 2000 ms")
    } ~ {
      println("sleeping for 4000 ms")
      println("slept for 4000 ms")
    } joinAll()
    println("and we are done")
  println("outside reset")

这是输出。程序在时间 T 开始:
sleeping for 2000 ms
sleeping for 4000 ms
outside reset         <<<<<< T + 0 second
slept for 2000 ms     <<<<<< T + 2 seconds
slept for 4000 ms     <<<<<< T + 4 seconds
and we are done       <<<<<< T + 4 seconds

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