avfoundation - AVCapturePhotoOutput 颜色与预览层不同

标签 avfoundation avcapturephotosettings


当我从 didFinishProcessingPhotoSampleBuffer 获取图像时,绿色有点暗
enter image description here


阅读 AVCapturePhotoOutput 的官方文档我找到了这个:

The AVCapturePhotoOutput class implicitly supports wide-gamut color photography. If the source AVCaptureDevice object’s activeColorSpace value is P3_D65, the capture output produces photos with wide color information (unless your AVCapturePhotoSettings object specifies an output format that does not support wide color).

这也是 activeColorSpace :

By default, a capture session automatically enables wide-gamut capture for supported devices and capture workflows...

所以也许你的设备默认支持它,这就是为什么在输出中你会看到不同颜色的图像。尝试更改 activeColorSpace看看这是否有所作为。

关于avfoundation - AVCapturePhotoOutput 颜色与预览层不同,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46574282/


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