perl - 为什么 Perl 的 foreach 不要求用 my 声明它的变量?

标签 perl variables foreach local-variables

今天,我在 Perl 中偶然发现了一些我不知道的东西:它“本地化”了迭代列表元素所分配给的变量。

这当然记录在 Perl 文档中 - 但是我没有记住或阅读它。


use warnings;
use strict;

my $g = 99;

foreach $g (1..5) {

sub p {
  my $l = shift;
  printf ("%2d %2d\n", $g, $l);

99  1
99  2
99  3
99  4
99  5

因为 $g已“本地化”到 foreach环形。

据我所知,如果我添加了 my 没有区别至 $g在 foreach 循环中:
foreach my $g (1..5) {


我现在的问题是:是否有我使用 my 的场景?确实有所作为(鉴于 $g 已经在全局范围内声明)。


调查的行为记录在 Foreach Loops in perlsyn

The foreach loop iterates over a normal list value and sets the scalar variable VAR to be each element of the list in turn. If the variable is preceded with the keyword my, then it is lexically scoped, and is therefore visible only within the loop.


Otherwise, the variable is implicitly local to the loop and regains its former value upon exiting the loop. If the variable was previously declared with my, it uses that variable instead of the global one, but it's still localized to the loop.

因此,使用 my 对其进行本地化应该没有区别。或将其留给 foreach .


This implicit localization occurs only in a foreach loop.

所有这一切都在来自 Private Variables via my() from perlsub 的这个片段中得到了进一步的澄清。

The foreach loop defaults to scoping its index variable dynamically in the manner of local. However, if the index variable is prefixed with the keyword my, or if there is already a lexical by that name in scope, then a new lexical is created instead.


我绝对支持并推荐(总是)拥有一个 my那里。

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