WPF 列表框包装

标签 wpf xaml listbox wrappanel

我有一个列表框,我在其中使用 ListBox.ItemsPanel - WrapPanel。

<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Applets}" Margin="10,92,10,10" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" >


                <WrapPanel Orientation="Vertical" IsItemsHost="True">



我试图让 wrappanel 具有这样一种行为,即当宽度变宽时,项目向右填充,并在窗口变窄时根据需要进行包裹。我玩过它,但正确的组合让我望而却步。有人有建议吗?




I am trying to have the wrappanel have a behavior such that the items fill in to the right as the width is made wider and wrap as needed when the window is made narrower. I have played with it but the correct combination eludes me. Does anyone have a suggestion?

您拥有的代码几乎正确,只需更改 OrientationHorizontal它应该像你描述的那样工作

My next goal would be able to reorder/ sort the items and have the render update.

你不必为此做任何特别的事情,这是 ListBox 的正常行为。 .只需更改排序顺序(使用 ICollectionView.SortDescriptions ),UI 将反射(reflect)更改

关于WPF 列表框包装,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4139580/


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