url - 许多 URI 语法中 "://"的来源

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有谁知道在大多数 URI 语法中“://”或“//”来自哪里?


a1kmm 的回答对于 URL 的特定应用很有用,但是如果您对双斜杠的语义起源感到好奇,请查看这篇文章:


It is worth noting that the syntax with the double slash can in fact be extended for use with a triple slash if one wanted to be able to start at any level in a much more complicated hierarchical structure. For example, suppose international telephone numbers were to be extended to cover a planetary code in the future. Then the planetary code could be attached to the front of the international code. The triple slash could introduce the interplanetary code, and the double slash would introduce the international code. Indeed, this is how the double slash came to be: when hierarchical naming schemes such as those in unix file systems was extended to a networks file system on the Apollo domain the extra slash was introduced. Similarly, Microsoft NT networking now uses double backslash in exactly the same way.

关于url - 许多 URI 语法中 "://"的来源,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1388194/


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