.net - WCF 命名管道 : Across network? 真的吗?

标签 .net wcf named-pipes

很多人似乎think this it is possible ,但在 this document 中很明显边界被声明为进程间,在我看来这意味着“没有网络”。

Another document是完全明确的:

The named pipe transport has very little reach; it can only connect to services running on the same machine



我认为您需要区分 命名管道 和 WCF 绑定(bind)实现 NETNamedPipeBinding .

NetNamedPipeBinding 是 WCF 的预定义绑定(bind),用于机器上的通信。

Provides a secure and reliable binding that is optimized for on-machine communication.

但是,如果您查看 MSDN documentation关于命名管道,您可以看到可以跨网络设置命名管道。

Named pipes can be used to provide communication between processes on the same computer or between processes on different computers across a network

关于.net - WCF 命名管道 : Across network? 真的吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284683/


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