prolog - 在状态之间移动(Prolog 实现)

标签 prolog state-space


Rowena has three unmarked glasses of different sizes: 3 ounces, 5 ounces, and 8 ounces. The largest glass is full. What can Rowena do to get 4 ounces of liquid into each of the larger two glasses?


所以初始状态是 (8,0,0),目标状态是 (4,4,0)。

现在我知道我在状态空间中有 6 个可用的移动。

(1,2) 将大号倒入中号或小号
(3,4) 倒入中号或大号或小号
(5,6) 将小倒入中或大中

现在我只需要第一条规则的帮助,其余的我会弄清楚。所以我只能在大> 0和中未满的情况下将大倒入中,新大变成旧大减去倒入中的量,新中变成旧中加上量那倒进去了,小当然永远不会改变。

%move rule #1: Pour Large into Medium (L--> M) 

move([L, M, S], [NewLarge,NewMedium,S]) :-
L > 0, %We can't move large into medium if Large has nothing
M < 5, %We can't pour into the medium if medium is full
Diff = 5 - M, 
NewLarge is L - Diff, %calculate the new Large
NewMedium is M + (L - NewLarge). %calculate the new Medium 




move([L, M, S], [NewLarge, NewMedium, S]) :-
  Diff is min(5 - M, L),
  Diff > 0,
  NewLarge is L - Diff, %calculate the new Large
  NewMedium is M + Diff. %calculate the new Medium 

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