scala - Mirah 比 JRuby、Groovy 和 Scala 提供了什么?

标签 scala groovy jruby language-comparisons mirah

什么Mirah language提供超过 JRuby、Groovy 和 Scala?


根据 an interview with Mirah's creator Mirah(在 java 语中意为“ruby”)的目的是创建一个高性能的 Ruby 变体。足够的类似 Ruby 的语法使其易于使用,但仍然足够接近 Java 和 JVM 语义,因此它可以运行而无需在 JVM 之上的大型运行时层的开销。

Much of the benefit of Mirah over similar languages comes down to being so lightweight. In Groovy, Scala, JRuby, Clojure, or Jython, the minute you write "Hello, world", you've shackled yourself to a runtime library. In Mirah, "Hello, world" is just as terse as in JRuby, but has the added benefit of not foisting any dependencies on you; source file goes in, class file comes out, and that's it. I believe the JVM needs a new dependency-free language, and Mirah is my attempt to deliver one.

While JRuby's performance rivals or exceeds other Ruby interpreters, the fastest JRuby code still lags pure Java performance by an order of magnitude. While you can expect the performance of JRuby to improve with the 1.6 release, Mirah is an attempt to break through the performance ceiling and provide an option for programmers looking for execution speeds on par with Java code.

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