sql-server - 有没有一种快速的方法可以将列中的所有值转换为 True/False 值?

标签 sql-server


|   Id   |    BuyingAttribute    |  |
| 1      |    Low Price          |  |
| 1      |    Good Communication |  |
| 1      |    English Speaker    |  |
| 2      |    Low Price          |  |
| ...etc | ...etc                |  |

有没有一种方法可以将所有值自动转换为是/否值。我知道我可以像这样使用 case 语句

    CASE WHEN BuyingAttribute = 'Low Price' THEN True ELSE False END AS Buying Attribute


| Id |  BuyingAttribute      | BA(Low Price) |  BA(Good Communication) |  BA(English Speaker) |  
|  1 |    Low Price          |   True        |   False                 |   False              |  
|  1 |    Good Communication |   False       |   True                  |   False              |  
|  1 |    English Speaker    |   False       |   False                 |   True               |  
|  2 |    Low Price          |   True        |   False                 |   False              |  
|    |                       |               |                         |                      |  


您可以像这样将所有可能的购买属性分配给所有 id 来做到这一点

select tid,row_number() over (partition by tid order by baba) rn,
        t.BuyingAttribute tba
select distinct t.id tid, ba.buyingattribute baba from t
cross join (select distinct t.BuyingAttribute from t) ba
) s
left join t on t.BuyingAttribute = s.baba and t.id = s.tid


tid         rn                   baba                           tba
----------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
1           1                    English Speaker                English Speaker
1           2                    Good Communication             Good Communication
1           3                    Low Price                      Low Price
2           1                    English Speaker                NULL
2           2                    Good Communication             NULL
2           3                    Low Price                      Low Price


select tid,rn,
    case when [English Speaker] is not null then 'true' else 'false' end as 'English Speaker',
    case when [Good Communication] is not null then 'true' else 'false' end as 'Good Communication',
    case when [Low Price] is not null then 'true' else 'false' end as 'Low Price'
select tid,row_number() over (partition by tid order by baba) rn,
        t.BuyingAttribute tba
select distinct t.id tid, ba.buyingattribute baba from t
cross join (select distinct t.BuyingAttribute from t) ba
) s
left join t on t.BuyingAttribute = s.baba and t.id = s.tid
--order by tid, baba
) t
pivot (max(baba) for baba in ([English Speaker],[Good Communication],[Low Price])) pvt 
order by tid,rn


tid         rn                   English Speaker Good Communication Low Price
----------- -------------------- --------------- ------------------ ---------
1           1                    true            false              false
1           2                    false           true               false
1           3                    false           false              true
2           1                    true            false              false
2           2                    false           true               false
2           3                    false           false              true

这对你来说是个问题,因为你不知道你有多少购买属性,所以我们需要构建上面的语句并执行动态 sql。

declare @s1 nvarchar(max)
declare @s10 varchar(max)
declare @s9 varchar(max)

set @s1 = 'select tid,rn,'

set @s9 = (
          select top 1  STUFF((
          SELECT 'case when [' + t1.buyingattribute + '] is not null then ' + char(39) +  'true' + char(39) + 
          ' else ' + char(39) + 'false' + char(39) + ' end as ' + char(39) + t1.buyingattribute + char(39) + ','  
          from t t1 where t1.buyingattribute >= t.buyingattribute
          FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'nVARCHAR(max)'), 1, 1, '')
          (select distinct buyingattribute from t) t
--select substring(@s9,patindex('%,%',@s9)+ 1, len(@s9) - patindex('%,%',@s9))
--select @s9
set @s9 = substring(@s9,1,len(@s9) -1)
set @s1 = concat(@s1,substring(@s9,patindex('%,%',@s9)+ 1, len(@s9) - patindex('%,%',@s9)))

set @s10 = ' from
select tid,row_number() over (partition by tid order by baba) rn,
        t.BuyingAttribute tba
select distinct t.id tid, ba.buyingattribute baba from t
cross join (select distinct t.BuyingAttribute from t) ba
) s
left join t on t.BuyingAttribute = s.baba and t.id = s.tid
--order by tid, baba
) t
pivot (max(baba) for baba in ('

set @s9 = (
          select top 1  STUFF((
          SELECT '[' + t1.buyingattribute + '] ,'  
          from t t1 where t1.buyingattribute >= t.buyingattribute
          FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'nVARCHAR(max)'), 1, 1, '')
          (select distinct buyingattribute from t) t
set @s9 = substring(@s9,1,len(@s9) - 1)
set @s1 = concat(@s1,@s10,substring(@s9,patindex('%,%',@s9)+ 1, len(@s9) - patindex('%,%',@s9)),' )) pvt order by tid,rn')

exec sp_executesql @s1

关于sql-server - 有没有一种快速的方法可以将列中的所有值转换为 True/False 值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47279746/


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