linq-to-sql - LINQ to SQL 实体和数据上下文类 : business object encapsulation

标签 linq-to-sql c#-3.0

您最喜欢将 LINQ to SQL 实体类和数据上下文类封装到业务对象中的方法是什么?





我使用部分类扩展实体类。我使用部分类,因此实体的签名不会改变(参见 DeleteOnSubmit 方法中的 Delete 调用)。

我做了一个小例子。这是数据库和 LINQ to SQL 类设置的图像:


/// <summary>
/// This class extends BusinessLogicDataContext.Products entity class
/// </summary>
public partial class Product
    /// <summary>
    /// New up a product by column: dbo.Products.ProductId in database
    /// </summary>
    public Product(Int32 id)
        var dc = new BusinessLogicDataContext();

        // query database for the product
        var query = (
            from p in dc.Products 
            where p.ProductId == id 
            select p

        // if database-entry does not exist in database, exit
        if (query == null) return;

        /* if product exists, populate self (this._ProductId and
           this._ProductName are both auto-generated private
           variables of the entity class which corresponds to the
           auto-generated public properties: ProductId and ProductName) */
        this._ProductId = query.ProductId;
        this._ProductName = query.ProductName;

    /// <summary>
    /// Delete product
    /// </summary>
    public void Delete()
        // if self is not poulated, exit
        if (this._ProductId == 0) return;

        var dc = new BusinessLogicDataContext();

        // delete entry in database

        // reset self (you could implement IDisposable here)
        this._ProductId = 0;
        this._ProductName = "";

// new up a product
var p = new Product(1); // p.ProductId: 1, p.ProductName: "A car"

// delete the product
p.Delete(); // p.ProductId: 0, p.ProductName: ""

此外:LINQ to SQL 实体类本质上是非常开放的。这意味着对应于 dbo.Products.ProductId 列的属性同时实现了一个 getter 和一个 setter——这个字段不应该是可更改的。

public interface IProduct
    Int32 ProductId { get; }

    void Delete();

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