assembly - 浮点程序给出无效结果

标签 assembly floating-point x86 masm irvine32


我正在尝试在 x86 MASM 上运行这个浮点二次方程程序。这段代码可以在 Kip Irvine x86 教科书中找到,我想看看它在视觉上是如何工作的。以下代码如下:

a REAL4 3.0
b REAL4 7.0
cc REAL4 2.0
posx REAL4 0.0
negx REAL4 0.0


main proc 
; Solve quadratic equation - no error checking
; The formula is: -b +/- squareroot(b2 - 4ac) / (2a)
fld1 ; Get constants 2 and 4
fadd st,st ; 2 at bottom
fld st ; Copy it
fmul a ; = 2a

fmul st(1),st ; = 4a
fxch ; Exchange
fmul cc ; = 4ac

fld b ; Load b
fmul st,st ; = b2
fsubr ; = b2 - 4ac
; Negative value here produces error
fsqrt ; = square root(b2 - 4ac)
fld b ; Load b
fchs ; Make it negative
fxch ; Exchange

fld st ; Copy square root
fadd st,st(2) ; Plus version = -b + root(b2 - 4ac)
fxch ; Exchange
fsubp st(2),st ; Minus version = -b - root(b2 - 4ac)

fdiv st,st(2) ; Divide plus version
fstp posx ; Store it
fdivr ; Divide minus version
fstp negx ; Store it

call writeint
main endp 
end main


为什么结果如此之大?我也尝试调用 writefloat 但它说这个过程不在 或 库中。有人可以告诉我为什么它不起作用以及需要修复什么吗?谢谢。


浮点数在特殊处理器 (FPU) 的特殊寄存器中处理并以特殊格式存储,不能被视为整数 (WriteInt)。浮点数包含有关数字的更多信息,如符号和指数。数字本身被更改为具有适当指数的 1 到 2 之间的数字,其中前导 1 通常被隐藏。在这里查看双格式: .这些数字不太可能准确。

至少从 11 年以来,Irvine32 库提供了函数 WriteFloat以指数形式显示 FPU 寄存器 ST0 的值。它不会弹出或释放该寄存器。


call writeint

fld posx                ; Load floating point number into ST0
call WriteFloat         ; Write ST0
ffree st[0]             ; Free ST0 - don't forget it!
call Crlf               ; New line
fld negx                ; Load floating point number into ST0
call WriteFloat         ; Write ST0
ffree st[0]             ; Free ST0 - don't forget it!
call Crlf               ; New line

如果您的图书馆没有 WriteFloat我建议从 Irvine 的主页下载并安装最新的文件: (第七版示例程序和链接库源代码)。您还可以使用另一个库,例如C 运行时库( 和 msvcrt.lib)或 Raymond Filiatreault's FPU library .


    a REAL4 3.0
    b REAL4 7.0
    cc REAL4 2.0
    posx REAL4 0.0
    negx REAL4 0.0

    buf BYTE 1024 DUP (?)


double2dec PROC C USES edi              ; Args: ST(0): FPU-register to convert, EDI: pointer to string

    ; modifying rounding mode
    fstcw CONTROL_WORD
    mov ax, CONTROL_WORD
    or ah, 00001100b            ; Set RC=11: truncating rounding mode
    mov TEMP, ax
    fldcw TEMP                  ; Load new rounding mode

    ; Check for negative
    ftst                        ; ST0 negative?
    fstsw ax
    test ah, 001b
    jz @F                       ; No: skip the next instructions
    mov byte ptr [edi], '-'     ; Negative sign
    add edi, 1
    FABS                        ; Abs (upper case to differ from C-library)

    ; Separate integer and fractional part & convert integer part into ASCII
    fst st(1)                   ; Doubling ST(0) - ST(1)=ST(0)
    frndint                     ; ST(0) to integer
    fsub st(1), st(0)           ; Integral part in ST(0), fractional part in ST(1)

    ; Move 10 to st(1)
    mov TEN, 10
    fild TEN

    xor ecx, ecx                ; Push/pop counter

    @@:                         ; First loop
    fst st(3)                   ; Preserve ST(0)
    fprem                       ; ST(0) = remainder ST(0)/ST(1)
    fistp word ptr TEMP         ; ST(3) -> ST(2) !
    push word ptr TEMP
    inc ecx
    fld st(2)                   ; Restore ST(0)
    fdiv st(0), st(1)
    frndint                     ; ST(0) to integer
    fxam                        ; ST0 == 0.0?
    fstsw ax
    jnz @B                      ; No: loop

    fxch st(2)                  ; ST(0) <-> ST(2) (fractional part)
    ffree st(2)
    ffree st(3)

    @@:                         ; Second loop
    pop ax
    or al, '0'
    mov [edi], al
    inc edi
    loop @B                     ; Loop ECX times

    mov byte ptr [edi], '.'     ; Decimal point
    add edi, 1

    ; Isolate digits of fractional part and store ASCII
    fmul st(0), st(1)           ; Multiply by 10 (shift one decimal digit into integer part)
    fist word ptr TEMP          ; Store digit
    fisub word ptr TEMP         ; Clear integer part
    mov al, byte ptr TEMP       ; Load digit
    or al, 30h                  ; Convert digit to ASCII
    mov byte ptr [edi], al      ; Append it to string
    add edi, 1                  ; Increment pointer to string
    fxam                        ; ST0 == 0.0?
    fstsw ax
    jnz get_fractional          ; No: once more
    mov byte ptr [edi], 0       ; Null-termination for ASCIIZ

    ; clean up FPU
    ffree st(0)                 ; Empty ST(0)
    ffree st(1)                 ; Empty ST(1)
    fldcw CONTROL_WORD          ; Restore old rounding mode

    ret                         ; Return: EDI points to the null-terminated string
double2dec ENDP

main proc
    ; Solve quadratic equation - no error checking
    ; The formula is: -b +/- squareroot(b2 - 4ac) / (2a)
    fld1 ; Get constants 2 and 4
    fadd st,st ; 2 at bottom
    fld st ; Copy it
    fmul a ; = 2a

    fmul st(1),st ; = 4a
    fxch ; Exchange
    fmul cc ; = 4ac

    fld b ; Load b
    fmul st,st ; = b2
    fsubr ; = b2 - 4ac
    ; Negative value here produces error
    fsqrt ; = square root(b2 - 4ac)
    fld b ; Load b
    fchs ; Make it negative
    fxch ; Exchange

    fld st ; Copy square root
    fadd st,st(2) ; Plus version = -b + root(b2 - 4ac)
    fxch ; Exchange
    fsubp st(2),st ; Minus version = -b - root(b2 - 4ac)

    fdiv st,st(2) ; Divide plus version
    fstp posx ; Store it
    fdivr ; Divide minus version
    fstp negx ; Store it

    ; Write the results

    fld posx            ; Load floating point number into ST0
    lea edi, buf        ; EDI: pointer to a buffer for a string
    call double2dec     ; Convert ST0 to buf and pop
    mov edx, edi        ; EDX: pointer to a null-terminated string
    call WriteString    ; Irvine32

    call Crlf           ; Irvine32: New line

    fld negx            ; Load floating point number into ST0
    lea edi, buf        ; EDI: pointer to a buffer for a string
    call double2dec     ; Convert ST0 to buf and pop
    mov edx, edi        ; EDX: pointer to a null-terminated string
    call WriteString    ; Irvine32

    call Crlf           ; Irvine32: New line

    exit                ; Irvine32: ExitProcess
main ENDP
end main

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