r - 防止缩小传单 R-Map?

标签 r zooming leaflet

我用传单 R 包制作了传单 map 。

enter image description here

我对它非常满意,但是当我将它嵌入网站并用笔记本电脑向下滚动文章时,我经常不小心将 map 缩小,然后看起来像这样:

enter image description here

用户也必须放大回来看看 map 的中间部分,这真的让我很恼火。

有没有办法卡住 map 的一部分,就像你可以像往常一样放大但不能像图像那样缩小?我尝试在我的代码中设置 View ,但您仍然可以缩小,所以我删除了该部分。

    mymap <- leaflet() %>% 

addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldGrayCanvas") %>%
addPolygons(data = dortmund, 
            fillColor = ~palette(student1$Anteil),  ## we want the polygon filled with 
            ## one of the palette-colors
            ## according to the value in student1$Anteil
            fillOpacity = 0.6,         ## how transparent do you want the polygon to be?
            color = "darkgrey",       ## color of borders between districts
            weight = 1.5,            ## width of borders
            popup = popup1,         ## which popup?
            group="<span style='color: #7f0000; font-size: 11pt'><strong>2000</strong></span>")%>%  
            ## which group?
            ## the group's name has to be the same as later in "baseGroups", where we define 
            ## the groups for the Layerscontrol. Because for this layer I wanted a specific 
            ## color and size, the group name includes some font arguments.  

## for the second layer we mix things up a little bit, so you'll see the difference in the map!
addPolygons(data = dortmund, 
            fillColor = ~palette(student2$Anteil), 
            fillOpacity = 0.2, 
            color = "white", 
            weight = 2.0, 
            popup = popup2, 
    baseGroups = c("<span style='color: #7f0000; font-size: 11pt'><strong>2000</strong></span>", ## group 1
                   "2014" ## group 2
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE))%>% ## we want our control to be seen right away
addLegend(position = 'topleft', ## choose bottomleft, bottomright, topleft or topright
           colors = c('#fee0d2',
           labels = c('0%',"","","","","","",'26%'),  ## legend labels (only min and max)
           opacity = 0.6,      ##transparency 
           title = "relative<br>amount")   ## title of the legend

原谅我糟糕的英语水平。如果回答我的问题很重要,完整代码在这里:http://journocode.com/2016/01/28/your-first-choropleth-map/ .



将您的 addProviderTiles 替换为以下内容(设置您想要的最大和最小缩放级别:

        options = providerTileOptions(minZoom=10, maxZoom=18))

关于r - 防止缩小传单 R-Map?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35556197/


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