perl - 如何将数组转换为散列,并将变量名映射为 Perl 中的键?

标签 perl stringify

我发现自己在 perl 中经常使用这种模式

sub fun {
    my $line = $_[0];
    my ( $this, $that, $the_other_thing ) = split /\t/, $line;
    return { 'this' => $this, 'that' => $that, 'the_other_thing' => $the_other_thing};


sub fun {
    my $line = $_[0];
    my ( $this, $that, $the_other_thing ) = split /\t/, $line;
    return &to_hash( $this, $that, $the_other_thing );

随着元素数量的增加,它会有所帮助。我该怎么做呢?看起来我可以组合 PadWalker 和闭包,但我想要一种仅使用核心语言来完成此操作的方法。

编辑:thb 为这个问题提供了一个聪明的解决方案,但我没有检查它,因为它绕过了很多困难的部分 (tm)。如果您想依赖核心语言的解构语义并插入您对实际变量的反射(reflection),您会怎么做?

EDIT2:这是我暗示使用 PadWalker 和闭包的解决方案:

use PadWalker qw( var_name );

# Given two arrays, we build a hash by treating the first set as keys and
# the second as values
sub to_hash {
    my $keys = $_[0];
    my $vals = $_[1];
    my %hash;
    @hash{@$keys} = @$vals;
    return \%hash;

# Given a list of variables, and a callback function, retrieves the
# symbols for the variables in the list.  It calls the function with
# the generated syms, followed by the original variables, and returns
# that output.
# Input is: Function, var1, var2, var3, etc....
sub with_syms {
    my $fun = shift @_;
    my @syms = map substr( var_name(1, \$_), 1 ), @_;
    $fun->(\@syms, \@_);

sub fun {
    my $line = $_[0];
    my ( $this, $that, $other) = split /\t/, $line;
    return &with_syms(\&to_hash, $this, $that, $other);


你可以使用 PadWalker尝试获取变量的名称,但这确实不是您应该做的事情。它是脆弱的和/或有限的。


sub fun {
   my ($line) = @_;
   my %hash;
   @hash{qw( this that the_other_thing )} = split /\t/, $line;
   return \%hash;

如果您愿意,可以将切片隐藏在函数 to_hash 中。

sub to_hash {
   my $var_names = shift;
   return { map { $_ => shift } @$var_names };

sub fun_long {
   my ($line) = @_;
   my @fields = split /\t/, $line;
   return to_hash [qw( this that the_other_thing )] @fields;

sub fun_short {
   my ($line) = @_;
   return to_hash [qw( this that the_other_thing )], split /\t/, $line;

但如果您坚持,这里是 PadWalker 版本:

use Carp      qw( croak );
use PadWalker qw( var_name );

sub to_hash {
   my %hash;
   for (0..$#_) {
      my $var_name = var_name(1, \$_[$_])
         or croak("Can't determine name of \$_[$_]");
      $hash{ substr($var_name, 1) } = $_[$_];
   return \%hash;

sub fun {
   my ($line) = @_;
   my ($this, $that, $the_other_thing) = split /\t/, $line;
   return to_hash($this, $that, $the_other_thing);

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