.net - ListView 与数据网格

标签 .net wpf listview gridview datagrid

与使用 ListView 相比,使用数据网格控件的主要优势是什么?什么时候应该使用每一个?


需要考虑的几点 Colin Eber已在 DataGrid vs GridView 中声明讨论:

  • ListView (GridView) is a readonly control out-of-the-box.The standard solution would be to synchronise the list with a 'details view' comprised of textBoxes
  • The DataGrid allows in-place editing of data
  • The DataGrid performs transaction edits (the row is treated as an atom)
  • The DataGrid support auto-column generation
  • The DataGrid has a RowDetails element (if you like that sort of thing!)
  • The DatGrid supports pretty much everything the ListView does, multiple selection modes, styling, etc ...

  • 通过单击列标题,DataGrid 具有内置的排序支持。虽然添加排序到 ListView/GridView 是 absolutely possible ,我宁愿在 DataGrid 中提供开箱即用的这类东西。
  • 关于.net - ListView 与数据网格,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3174428/


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