powershell - 捕获 RPC 服务器不可用错误 HRESULT : 0x800706BA

标签 powershell powershell-remoting

在 powershell 中,我可以使用 Catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] 捕获 Access is Denied 错误。我如何同样捕获 RPC Server Unavailable 错误?


如果您将通用参数 -ErrorAction Stop 添加到 get-wmiobject 命令,在我的例子中,它将导致命令将此非终止错误作为终止错误响应并将其丢弃以捕获操作。


# Is this machine on network?, if not, move to next machine
If (!(Test-Connection -ComputerName $computerName -Count 1 -Quiet)) { 
  Write-Host "$computerName not on network."
  Continue # Move to next computer

# Does the local Administrator account exist? Returns a string if it exists, which is true-ish.
try {

  $filter = "Name='$olduser' AND Domain='$computerName'"
  $account = Get-WmiObject Win32_UserAccount -Filter $filter -ComputerName $computerName -ErrorAction Stop

} catch {

  Write-Warning "$computerName Can't check for accounts, likely RPC server unavailable"
  Continue # Move to next computer

} #end try

关于powershell - 捕获 RPC 服务器不可用错误 HRESULT : 0x800706BA,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8086357/


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