java - Java中静态变量的文本顺序和初始化顺序

标签 java

我只花了五分钟在 SO 中找到重复项。


public class LexicalOrderStatic {
    private static Integer a1 = initA1();

    private static Integer a2 = initA2();

    private static Integer initA2(){
        return new Integer(5) / a1;

    private static Integer initA1(){
        return new Integer(5);

    public Integer getA1(){
        return new Integer(a2);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        LexicalOrderStatic lexLuthor = new LexicalOrderStatic();


在 java 中,我可以确定 a1 总是在 a2 之前初始化吗?

谢谢。 dw 会问还是很简单就ok了。


In java can I be sure that a1 is always initialized before a2 ?

是的,因为规范(section 12.4.2)保证它(强调我的):

Next, execute either the class variable initializers and static initializers of the class, or the field initializers of the interface, in textual order, as though they were a single block.

请注意,常量的初始化时间早于非常量(第 6 步与上面引用的第 9 步相比)。

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